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Beyond Ballet

 Kim Beyond Ballet aims to step outside of the classical ballet traditions and realm in order to utilize professional and God-given gifts to be a light in atypical spaces. In addition, with creativity and imagination the hope is to inspire collaborations with a variety of artists, educators, organizations, and programs. Whether digital recordings, media platforms, or in-person events a focus on community and unity motivates audience members, followers, or bystanders to sense they are not alone or isolated. KimBeyondBallet hopes to provide tools for others to live out their best potential enhancing the lives of themselves and those around them.​​​

 Collaborations | Creativity | Live Events | Community
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A ballerina's worst nightmare is not having her proper routines, rituals, and most importantly pointe shoes set before an important rehearsal or worse, performance. As we head into the joyous holidays, this particular retired ballerina realizes her company needs her last minute to perform on stage turning into a Nutcracker Nightmare! The ballet sketch comedy is a spoof on the Nutcracker.


Creative direction by Kimberly M. Olivier including improvisational acting and dance. Performed at Rae Studios' Holiday Showcase 2021 in San Francisco, CA.

Ballet can be funny too!
Comedy, Acting, and Ballet 

Kimberly partnered up with Ripple Effect 22, as co-executive producer for rap artist Derek Minor's It's Not a Game Tour to San Francisco (2019) in order to provide a free concert for all Youth under 21yrs. (Scroll down on event page to see here).

Beyond Ballet - Hear the Music

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